Business Ethics in Our Society

Talking about business ethics of course it is connected to two words, that is ethics and business. Ethics here is not only about acting based on law, but higher than just a law. In the “ Business Ethics : Case studies and selected readings” (a book) Jennings said that ethical standards are not the standard of the law. In fact, they are a higher standard. Ethics is more than just common, or normative, standards of behavior. Ethics is honesty, fairness, and justice.
From the definition above, we can take a conclusion that ethics is very important for our life. The existence of ethics not only preserve the others’s freshness but also give the advantages to whom acts ethically.
The second keyword of business ethics is business. In his book entitled “Business”, Ricky W. Griffin said that business is an organization which provides goods and services to obtain profit.
From the definition of business itself , society often assume business as a “dirty” work, its mean if somebody want to do a business, more or less he have to do unjust, unfair, and other dishonest behaviors . If he doesn’t do that, the business would be bankrupt,closed, and end. Nowadays, this paradigm cause difficulties for our society to apply the ethics in its business .
Other assume which in this time expand in our society is that in doing business, no need ethics. Ethics only in the just personal scope, not applicable in business.
The effect of assume above, businessman overrule the ethics to reach for the profit as much as possible. In our society, there are still a lot of businessman who run unethical business. The example of this case is the tragedy of Lumpur Lapindo (Lapindo mud) in Porong, Sidoardjo, East Java. Where are their (the businessman) ethics and responsibility when the happening of leakage cause the blast of mud which harming the society around. Also case of Teluk Buyat (Buyat bay) which adulterate the environment.
To find the same case, actually we don’t need to go national, in our beloved province, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, there are small business around us even also just still be unethical, for example : gasoline sellers at retail, they tend to mingle its oil with another oil like kerosene to obtain multiple profit. Fruiterers lessening weighing-machine and sometime without buyer’s knowledge, they change the good fruit with the bad one. Also the simple example where many sellers or salesclerk do not behave friendly to the buyers. Our society examplize so much unethical attitude in doing business.
As a district which applies the law of Islam (Islamic Syariah), we should avoid the such attitude. Why? Because Islam order its people to have ethics every life aspect, included in doing business. It has been proven that someone who do not have ethics, who is unjust,unfair, and dishonest, not merely harming others and environment experienced but also themselves ,in this world and in the eternity life.
Unethical behavior just become boomerang for its person. Therefore, the unethical business habits have tobe altered immediately. Respecting and esteeming others’ rights in doing business more beneficial than unethical. Business ethics not only take care of harmonious between people who is involved, but also the harmonious of the environment which business is done and the harmonious of our nature.


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